ID=148 :: post_name=athena-assesses-equilibrium-housing-initiative :: post_title=Athena assesses six of the houses in the Equilibrium Sustainable Housing Initiative :: post_status=publish :: post_type=post :: post_category=Array


In 2010 the Athena Sustainable Materials Institute conducted a 20-year life cycle assessment (LCA) of the embodied energy and environmental impact of six EQuilibrium™ houses.

The EQuilibrium™ Sustainable Housing Demonstration Initiative, led by CMHC, brings the private and public sectors together to develop homes that combine resource- and energy-efficient technologies with renewable energy technologies in order to reduce their environmental impact.

Project teams were selected to build EQuilibrium™ Housing demonstration projects across Canada. The Athena Institute assessment of six of the EQuilibrium™ houses was undertaken to characterize their environmental impacts related to the operating energy versus the energy embodied in these homes.

For more information on the Equilibrium initiative see
