We’ve added a life cycle costing feature, US regions, and more…

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Big updates to our Pavement LCA tool!

The Athena Institute has released an update to the free web app “Pavement LCA” with some big improvements. We have also retired the desktop version.

Pavement LCA is a unique software tool enabling roadway designers in the US and Canada to bring cradle-to-grave sustainability considerations to their practice. This is a free and user-friendly web app that simplifies life cycle assessment for any paving project.

Changes in the latest version:

  • A life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) module has been added, so users can assess both the environmental and the cost burdens of different paving options.
  • We’ve embedded the steel reinforcement input mass estimator for PCC roadways, so users no longer need to complete the calculation in another application.
  • The software now supports “roller compacted concrete”. We’ve added a process profile as well as a default (but editable) roller compacted concrete mix design.
  • All aggregate profiles (natural, crushed, coarse and fine) have been reworked to better handle project-specific transportation mode and distance specifications.
  • Ready mixed concrete plant process data has been updated based on the NRMCA 2016 industry average LCA and EPD for concrete.
  • The US sample projects have been brought over from the desktop version.
  • The web app can now provide regional results for multiple Canadian and US locations including: British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Central and East Ontario, Central and East Quebec, Atlantic Canada, California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Minnesota, New York State, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Washington State.

The new LCCA feature uses a model developed by Dr. Mehdi Akbarian, a postdoctoral associate at the Concrete Sustainability Hub at MIT and a member of the US Federal Highway Administration’s Sustainable Pavement Technical Working Group. This software update was also made possible with funding from the Cement Association of Canada and Athena Institute members.

Learn more about the software, find documentation, access video tutorials and connect to the web app by starting here: https://calculatelca.com/software/pavement-lca/overview/
